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Mismatched Bookends

Changing the way you think and blog about books!

Currently reading

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love
Ken Baker
Progress: 35/269 pages
Notes from Underground
Michelle Davidson Argyle, Judy Croome, Anne R. Allen, Lavanya Krishnan, Simon C. Larter, B.A. McMillan, Cee Martinez, J.B. Chicoine, Jean Michelle Miernik, C.N. Nevets, Yvonne Osborn, Beth Overmyer, Susannah E. Pabot, Summer Ross, Rachel Becker, Lisa M. Shafer, Nevine Su
Progress: 36/253 pages
Untouchable (Everwinter Series, #1)
Alice Janell
Progress: 18 %
Where The Dead Fear to Tread
M.R. Gott
Progress: 52 %
Ruby: A Novel
Cynthia Bond
Progress: 43/326 pages

A Chance For A Free Book!

I was looking through my goodreads mail and I found this little tidbit. I had listed a book I wanted last year and it is now going to be FREE for a few days. I love to spread the word when I know the author or they take time to write me individually.


(per the author)


I just wanted to let you know that Found in Prague, the book you marked as "to-read" in October, will be free to download from Amazon (Kindle e-book) this week.


Found in Prague Kindle Free Days:


Thursday, Feb. 13

Friday, Feb. 14 (Happy V-day!)

Saturday, Feb. 15


I'd be honored if you took advantage of the free promotion and downloaded and enjoyed Found in Prague! :)


Any and all help spreading the word about the promotion much appreciated.



So feel free to post this on your blog also or at least take advantage of the free download. I hope you enjoy it. It is a romance. Perfect for this month.