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Mismatched Bookends

Changing the way you think and blog about books!

Currently reading

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love
Ken Baker
Progress: 35/269 pages
Notes from Underground
Michelle Davidson Argyle, Judy Croome, Anne R. Allen, Lavanya Krishnan, Simon C. Larter, B.A. McMillan, Cee Martinez, J.B. Chicoine, Jean Michelle Miernik, C.N. Nevets, Yvonne Osborn, Beth Overmyer, Susannah E. Pabot, Summer Ross, Rachel Becker, Lisa M. Shafer, Nevine Su
Progress: 36/253 pages
Untouchable (Everwinter Series, #1)
Alice Janell
Progress: 18 %
Where The Dead Fear to Tread
M.R. Gott
Progress: 52 %
Ruby: A Novel
Cynthia Bond
Progress: 43/326 pages


If you noticed I have not been around, it is because  I have started my own virtual book tour company. I may have written about this but the date is coming closer and I am so excited! It will be before the end of July. The Author and I have been talking not that much because he already signed me and he has had his third book to work on and a nice vacation in Hawaii with his parents. 


As far as Blogger, I have a handful but I have 6 more authors that have signed up and if they want the bigger package I will have a hard time getting the word out. I give you all the info and you arrange it on  your blog however you are used to. This book is and adventure/mystery. If you check my shelf the book should be there. If not I can give you the good reads link. The book is "Bobby Ether and the Academy" which I have read and am halfway into the second. It is really good. I have seen a lot of reviews calling it better than Harry Potter. 


You can write me back here or take a look and answer me at my facebook site (www.facebook.com/Mismatchedbookendtours) or on Twitter (@Mismatchedbookend). My blog is deleted right now, long story. But I have a back up plan if they cannot resotre it. 


So I hope you will join me on my journey and I am a very nice person as a lot of you know and will do anything for you. If you cannot help me  by blogging please go like my two pages I would appreciate it. 


Thank you so much. .If you have question you can email me at Kldescopiz@aol.com


Have a great Tuesday. I hope to hear from some of you :)