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Mismatched Bookends

Changing the way you think and blog about books!

Currently reading

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love
Ken Baker
Progress: 35/269 pages
Notes from Underground
Michelle Davidson Argyle, Judy Croome, Anne R. Allen, Lavanya Krishnan, Simon C. Larter, B.A. McMillan, Cee Martinez, J.B. Chicoine, Jean Michelle Miernik, C.N. Nevets, Yvonne Osborn, Beth Overmyer, Susannah E. Pabot, Summer Ross, Rachel Becker, Lisa M. Shafer, Nevine Su
Progress: 36/253 pages
Untouchable (Everwinter Series, #1)
Alice Janell
Progress: 18 %
Where The Dead Fear to Tread
M.R. Gott
Progress: 52 %
Ruby: A Novel
Cynthia Bond
Progress: 43/326 pages

Reading progress update: I've read 35 out of 269 pages.

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love - Ken Baker

I have not read as much as I wanted. It is soooo funny. I am not reading anymore tour books because I have started to feel stressed an not like reading which is really bad. Plus I got a crop of books where the blurb sounded good but I could not finish the book and that is not me. I got a batch of bad books. I think of the good tour books I have read and I wonder if I am going to miss one but I believe things are meant to be so If I am meant to read a book that happens to be a tour book, it will come to me. A lot of times they give the people who do the blitz a review copy away. 

So that is why I only read about 10 pages since last time. But I feel free and I can read my own books now.


Now if my blog would write itself I would have it made!