61 Following

Mismatched Bookends

Changing the way you think and blog about books!

Currently reading

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love
Ken Baker
Progress: 35/269 pages
Notes from Underground
Michelle Davidson Argyle, Judy Croome, Anne R. Allen, Lavanya Krishnan, Simon C. Larter, B.A. McMillan, Cee Martinez, J.B. Chicoine, Jean Michelle Miernik, C.N. Nevets, Yvonne Osborn, Beth Overmyer, Susannah E. Pabot, Summer Ross, Rachel Becker, Lisa M. Shafer, Nevine Su
Progress: 36/253 pages
Untouchable (Everwinter Series, #1)
Alice Janell
Progress: 18 %
Where The Dead Fear to Tread
M.R. Gott
Progress: 52 %
Ruby: A Novel
Cynthia Bond
Progress: 43/326 pages


If you noticed I have not been around, it is because  I have started my own virtual book tour company. I may have written about this but the date is coming closer and I am so excited! It will be before the end of July. The Author and I have been talking not that much because he already signed me and he has had his third book to work on and a nice vacation in Hawaii with his parents. 


As far as Blogger, I have a handful but I have 6 more authors that have signed up and if they want the bigger package I will have a hard time getting the word out. I give you all the info and you arrange it on  your blog however you are used to. This book is and adventure/mystery. If you check my shelf the book should be there. If not I can give you the good reads link. The book is "Bobby Ether and the Academy" which I have read and am halfway into the second. It is really good. I have seen a lot of reviews calling it better than Harry Potter. 


You can write me back here or take a look and answer me at my facebook site (www.facebook.com/Mismatchedbookendtours) or on Twitter (@Mismatchedbookend). My blog is deleted right now, long story. But I have a back up plan if they cannot resotre it. 


So I hope you will join me on my journey and I am a very nice person as a lot of you know and will do anything for you. If you cannot help me  by blogging please go like my two pages I would appreciate it. 


Thank you so much. .If you have question you can email me at Kldescopiz@aol.com


Have a great Tuesday. I hope to hear from some of you :)

My New Company

I have just stared a book tour company and already have three books lined up. I do all genres. 


I am looking for hosts because the first author wants this done soon. If you want to host, I will give you everything you need and you can set it up however you want on your blog. Email me at Kldescopiz4@aol.com


Authors - if you would like me to do the tour for your book, contact me at the above email address also. 


Visit my twitter page @Mismatchedbook


Visit me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MismatchedBookendTours


I have received a lot of support and am very excited to be diving into this new world. I have four authors lined up already and am psyched! 


Tell your friends to visit my twitter or facebook page.


Thank you. 


Don't forget my blog at http://Mismatchedbookends.Blogspot.com. Let's talk books!




No more contests? And I am NOT happy with my shelf

So this is gripe post or rant if you will. Why does a website always have to change. I am so used to goodreads it is hard for me to switch gears here. 


Where did the contests go? I do not see the link. Anyone know or am I missing it.


My shelf. I have read over 30 books and it only shows 11. I think it should be like goodreads that when you are done, it records it and gives you the option of writing a review.  This is backwards. You have to put the book on your shelf and then click that you read it. 


I hope everyone is well today. Taking in the old laptop for a tune up tomorrow. I will not be on for five days well two to five days is what Geek Squad said. and I am preparing for five. Luckily I just learned how to use the timing feature on my blog site! So I can do alllllll my blitzes and cover reviews while my laptop is in the hospital :) 





Book Blitz!

Check out the book blitz for "Covet" by Terri Herman-Ponce



Review of "Memoirs Aren't Fairytales - A Story of Addiction" by Marni Mann

This was such a powerful story. It is about Nicole, a 23 year old girl who becomes addicted to heroin and her journey through all the pain that goes with being an addict.


I have had addicts as friends and this is an excellent portrayal of what happens and can happen to you. With drugs you either keep using, die, or go to jail.


Nicole had so many horrible things happen to her I could not begin to list them and it was all related to the heroin.


What is amazing is, with all the horrible things that happened to her, she did not quit using. She promised herself many times and promised ones she loved but it never panned out.


There is not much else to say because I would be spoiling a lot and you really need to read this to get the full effect. There is a sequel but it is a good stand alone.


The storytelling is like no other book I have ever read. The characters are powerful, unique, and real. The pacing was perfect. The emotions ran high and could be felt in your stomach and your heart. There was so much suspense with each passing sentence it was hard to put the book down. I wanted Nicole to to get sober and be happy. I felt what her family did as they watched their little girl become someone else.


When I finished this book, there were so many emotions in me. I could not wait to read the next book. I also had to read the next book right away because I had to find out what happened to Nicole. Reading this book was like watching a really bad news story. It takes your breath away and makes you hope whoever was affected will pull through.


Nicole is stuck in my head. I feel like I know her and I want to reach out and help her.


If you have had addiction issues, I think there are triggers here so I would not read it. For the sober people, read it and take it as a warning. This is what is going on in our world today and you cannot turn a blind eye to it.


Review of "File Under 13 Suspicious Incidents" by Lemony Snicket

I am a big Lemony Snicket fan. When I was ill and could not read, I found the "Series of Misfortunate Events" series and loved it. I know it is meant for middleschoolers but the story had so many twists and turns I loved it. I loved the characters as well. So a few months ago when I found out this book would be coming out I was excited.


I listened to it on Audibles which was fun. I only used Audibles for a horror book before. In this book Snicket got thirteen different people to narrate. The book is 13 different "cases" to solve. Each person (men and women) narrate from the perspective of Lemony Snicket. He is in a secret organization but and apprentice and not allowed to talk about it. I do not want to spoil something at the end but it was good.


The book tells you these 13 different stories that all take place in a little town where Lemony lives with his mentor. And at the end of each story, you are told you will find the answer filed under "xyz case" and in the back of the book, all the mysteries are revealed. It was so much fun! I only guessed three of the thirteen. But they were really tough lol! I need more practice and maybe have to read more crime solving novels.


If you have read anything by Snicket, this book follows his normal pattern of how he explains everything he sees, hears, smells, etc so well. And there is a lot of humor in the stories. Snicket is a very likable character and he uses his other characters to frame his stories very well.


My favorite stories were (and it was hard to hear I had to rewind so I hope I got these right) Black Nails, Through the Window, Homemade Furniture (aka The Big Bad Brick Club), Small Sound, Chopped Knee, and Panicked Feet.


I would definitely recommend this for middle school children. They can learn a lot because Snicket, and he did this in the Unfortunate Events series, uses some big words but explains them. I think that is a good way for kids to learn new words. As far as adults, it is a fun, quick read and if you like mysteries, you have to love it. I would definitely read more of Lemony Snicket's works.


I cannot get the cover to come up. You can see it on gooreads. I will try again later. 



Review of "File Under 13 Suspicious Incidents" by Lemony Snicket

I am a big Lemony Snicket fan. When I was ill and could not read, I found the "Series of Misfortunate Events" series and loved it. I know it is meant for middleschoolers but the story had so many twists and turns I loved it. I loved the characters as well. So a few months ago when I found out this book would be coming out I was excited.


I listened to it on Audibles which was fun. I only used Audibles for a horror book before. In this book Snicket got thirteen different people to narrate. The book is 13 different "cases" to solve. Each person (men and women) narrate from the perspective of Lemony Snicket. He is in a secret organization but and apprentice and not allowed to talk about it. I do not want to spoil something at the end but it was good.


The book tells you these 13 different stories that all take place in a little town where Lemony lives with his mentor. And at the end of each story, you are told you will find the answer filed under "xyz case" and in the back of the book, all the mysteries are revealed. It was so much fun! I only guessed three of the thirteen. But they were really tough lol! I need more practice and maybe have to read more crime solving novels.


If you have read anything by Snicket, this book follows his normal pattern of how he explains everything he sees, hears, smells, etc so well. And there is a lot of humor in the stories. Snicket is a very likable character and he uses his other characters to frame his stories very well.


My favorite stories were (and it was hard to hear I had to rewind so I hope I got these right) Black Nails, Through the Window, Homemade Furniture (aka The Big Bad Brick Club), Small Sound, Chopped Knee, and Panicked Feet.


I would definitely recommend this for middle school children. They can learn a lot because Snicket, and he did this in the Unfortunate Events series, uses some big words but explains them. I think that is a good way for kids to learn new words. As far as adults, it is a fun, quick read and if you like mysteries, you have to love it. I would definitely read more of Lemony Snicket's works.


I cannot get the cover to come up. You can see it on gooreads. I will try again later. 



Blog of the Month - HELP!

I have a big favor to ask all of you. Over on goodreads, I am up for Blog of the Month! I am very excited It is part of a group and they may ask you to join. You can unjoin when you are done if you want. I am up against 7 other bloggers. FIght now I am tied for the lead with 17 votes and the next highest person has 8 votes. I cannot explain how much time I put into my blog and how important it is to me. After not being able to read for 14 years and starting up again and them starting this blog I have been so happy. To win this (I get a button for my site!) it would just make everything I had been working on extra special. So without getting to much more mushy, here is the link:




I appreciate it in advance and thank you all. I know most of you will understand how much this means. 


Love and Light,




I believe it is called Stacking The Shelves

I  think I have told you a few times about the ARC paperback copy I received of <i>How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly In Love</i> by Ken Baker. I am really excited to get this book because I was not able to do the book tour and get a copy of it that way but because I was in on the blitz, the author sent it out anyway. I love it so far it is more for teens but if you like to laugh, and you were a teenager at some point, you will love it. I am hoping to get more time to read it. 



I also received a book from an author I love, Judy Croome. She sent me <i>Notes From The Underground</i> by multiple authors. It is an anthology of short stories and I am loving it. You all know how much I love short stories.  She also sent me another book of hers (and I didn't even ask)<i> Dancing In The Shadows Of Love. I am excited to read that.</i> She just knows how much I loved her book <i>Weight Of A Feather</i> so she was nice enough to share her wonderful books with me. I told EVERYONE about that <i>Weight Of A Feather</i> and had her on my blog for an interview. We had fun and, like I said, she sent me these two books in paperback. 




I also received in the mail yesterday a review copy in paperback of <i>The Crying Dance</i> by John Spivey. He signed it beautifully for me. I read about this book it is supposed to be very good. I am excited to read it and review it for John


I was also asked by author Laurie Larsen to review her book <i>Road Trip To Redemtion</i>. I did a blitz for her book also so I was thrilled she asked me to review. Of course I said yes. I only has one review so far but it was a five star review so we help each other out. I get to read and she gets a review. The perfect match. 



So that is called stacking the shelves I believe. I need to write more often about all of the wonderful contest I win because I win frequently and all of the review books I read. I promise I will bring you more on what I am reading and then you can bug me for a review lol!


What are you reading? Let me know. I would love to know. Just post  a comment and I will answer it. HAPPY READING!

I am a writer!

I just took this quiz because I saw it from someone elese on here (one of my friends) and they got writer. So knowing I just sent off my first chapter to my mentor, I took the quiz and got 




I couldn't believe it. So I am going to work extra hard on my book now. 


Try the quiz it is fun!



Reading progress update: I've read 36 out of 253 pages.

Notes from Underground - Michelle Davidson Argyle, Judy Croome, Anne R. Allen, Lavanya Krishnan, Simon C. Larter, B.A. McMillan, Cee Martinez, J.B. Chicoine, Jean Michelle Miernik, C.N. Nevets, Yvonne Osborn, Beth Overmyer, Susannah E. Pabot, Summer Ross, Rachel Becker, Lisa M. Shafer, Nevine Su

I am enjoying this antology sooo much. I am up to my favorite writer, Judy Croome, story. You all know I have told you and said it on my blog a million times I am a short story lover. So this is a favorite book right now. And I can read it as per my last updated book and not reading tour books anymore. ME TIME! 

Reading progress update: I've read 35 out of 269 pages.

How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love - Ken Baker

I have not read as much as I wanted. It is soooo funny. I am not reading anymore tour books because I have started to feel stressed an not like reading which is really bad. Plus I got a crop of books where the blurb sounded good but I could not finish the book and that is not me. I got a batch of bad books. I think of the good tour books I have read and I wonder if I am going to miss one but I believe things are meant to be so If I am meant to read a book that happens to be a tour book, it will come to me. A lot of times they give the people who do the blitz a review copy away. 

So that is why I only read about 10 pages since last time. But I feel free and I can read my own books now.


Now if my blog would write itself I would have it made! 

So True

Come win some cool book!

Come win some books by Layla Hagan, Katrina Cope, and B, Kristin McMichael. Just go to my blog and find the rafflecopter forms for the author you want to win from. 




Come by and see what is going on today and what went on yesterday! 

Every Three Weeks

It is so hard to break an old habit. I am so used to being on goodreads I forget to come her except every three weeks or so. I miss everyone here and think of you but it is so engrained to be at goodreads it is hard to remember to come her accept if I am promoting a book tour but that is helping the author. 


So what to do?


I said hi to my friends as many as I can remember. ANd just want everyone to know that I love you all and think of you. HUGS!


I am reading a funny book which is too  young for me but it is so funny "How I Got Skinny, Famouns, and Fell Madly In Love" I love it! I am also reading a tour book called Chasing Romeo which is kinda hokey but I promised I would read it. And there is the anthology, some comics and another book and I think that is it. lol! Oh! Rumpled. It is really good. 


So tell me in private or I will try to keep up here with what everyone is doing and reading. 


Hope you all have a great weekend.


Love and Light,


Guest Blog with Layla Hagan

Come see two cover reveals  (went up at midnight but I fell asleep to post it here lol!)  and more importantly come read the guest blog by author Layla Hagen. And participate in the giveaway she is hosting. We also have a few other giveaways going on. 

